Sunday, May 29, 2016

May 2016

These pictures were on one of the first really warm days. We went out and got some lunch and took it to the park. It was perfect weather. We've been out to D.I. and other thrift shops, on walks and out to lunch. The flowers he bought a while ago look really good too. We made some peanut butter pine cones for the birds and put them outside. He hasn't wanted to make any more since the first time. He's gone fishing and I know he's looking forward to going again. Michael lost his key to his place the other day (The one with his knife on it) I looked ALL over the place, even in places that it couldn't be. We could not find it. Wouldn't you know it, Jerry came over to visit Michael and he found it under his chair! That's the only place I didn't look. Oh well, I'm glad he got it back, I know he really likes that knife. We had a chance to clean out his closet. He has so many shirts. We went through them and he told me the ones he didn't like. We set those aside for Jerry, if he wants them. He's so nice, everytime we go out, he's always looking for things for me ;) The only different thing for him is that he has been a little weaker in his legs. I have him use his walker when he goes out. He likes to show everyone that he is using it. When we were at the store, we looked to see if we could find some kind of carrier for the front of his walker. It would be nice and helpful for him. Michael is always so happy and seems to be in a good mood. He'll be getting his hair cut soon too.