Tuesday, December 29, 2015

December 29, 2015

Michael had a good Christmas. He got some new shirts, new pants, new hat. He was excited to show me. We went to Walgreen's after making a list of some things that he needed. He also wanted to go to the toy store up the street and see if we can find a trailer for the truck that he has. They didn't have one. We went to Yanni's for lunch. He said "This is the place" when we were trying to find the place he was looking for. I helped him in with his bags before I left. He didn't want to start a movie. I mentioned that I wouldn't be over on Friday.
Happy New Year!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Friday December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday December 22, 2015

Today Me and Michael did our gift exchange. He was SO nice! He got me a pair of nice earrings and a nice card with a gift inside too. Thank you Michael! He's so sweet and thoughtful. I got him what he asked for. Socks and movies. It was a snowy day. We went to Grand America and looked at the Christmas windows and the life size gingerbread house. Little America had some nice decorations too. We went to Shanghai for lunch afterwards. Michael said that he liked it and then afterwards said he didn't. It was a nice long day.

Friday December 18, 2015

I don't remember what we did on this day. It was a longer day, so we probably worked on exercises and some words and then went out to D.I.?  and then out to lunch.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Tuesday December 15, 2015

I was really late today, I almost called to cancel. I was stuck in my driveway cause of all the snow! I was finally able to dig myself out. We ended up not doing too much today or getting out. I told Michael that we would go out on Friday. We did a few exercises, went for a walk and visited. I sewed a button on one of his shirts for him. We went upstairs to eat lunch. I helped him to start a video afterwards and watched some of it with him. He showed me the box from Backyard Birds today. I think he's excited to have me open it. Next week ;)

Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday December 11, 2015

When I came in today, Michael said he had something for me and that if I didn't like it he would have it. He showed me the box from Backyard Birds. He's so sweet to go there just to pick something up for me. I told him I would wait closer to Christmas to open it. I told him I hadn't got him anything yet and we could open presents together. We exercised, (Michael had a hard time focusing) and then we worked on sentence structure with flash cards. We went through all of the cards naming what they were too. We went upstairs and had lunch and then went to Walgreen's to pick up a couple of things for him.
Thank you Michael!

Tuesday December 8, 2015

Michael needed some bird seed for his bird feeder. We did a few exercises first and then headed out. After we went to Walmart, we stopped at Goodwill and looked around. I found some awesome ottomans! We went to Walgreen's to pick up a couple things but needed to go back. Michael had a shower and had lunch brought to his room. We'll pick up what he needed on Friday. 

Monday, December 7, 2015

I haven't had internet for a while. I'll post what I can remember and pick it up from here. I'll also add pics when I can find them. 

Friday December 4, 2015

Friday's are shorter days. We worked on exercises and word matching and then went up to lunch. He didn't want me to start a movie for him before I left, he said he wanted to take a nap. 

Tuesday December 1, 2015

We decorated for Christmas today. We couldn't find Michael's ornaments but once we did we decorated the tree and set up Michael's room. We went to D.I. and then out to lunch afterwards. 

Friday November 27, 2015

I took today off. It's Thanksgiving weekend and I wanted to take an extra day and enjoy the weekend.

Tuesday November 24, 2015

I think we worked on exercises and words today and then just had lunch upstairs. Joyce, one of the cute little ladies that lives at Highland Cove died. She was 100 years old, she will be missed.