Friday, May 22, 2015

Michael gave me the rose behind my ear.
It was an overcast day today. We worked on exercises, words phrases and sentences. We haven't practiced his words for a while, so it was a little harder today than usual. Highland
Cove had an outdoor Memorial Day picnic. We walked over to the picnic, they had a band playing it was nice. I hope Michael has a nice weekend. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Michael had a harder time today with exercises and using his words correctly. Except for when I asked Him how his weekend was, he said "not good." When I asked him why he said "Cause I couldn't find you." So sweet. We made a list, then went to Walgreen's to pick up some things he's need for awhile. We weren't sure what to do about lunch, we ended up at Robintino's. He seemed to like it. We put his grocery's away when we came back. I Will add pics soon.

Friday, May 15, 2015

 Today we worked on exercises before we went up to lunch. Michael was showing me things he needed. They will have to wait until Tuesday and then we can go out to the store and pick up things that he needs. I hope he has a good weekend.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Michael did really well today! He even was telling me about how he went fishing with Jerry. He was really good at putting his words together. He was showing me that he was out of coffee, we made a list of just two things that he needed and went to Walgreen's to pick them up. We went to Thrift on 33rd and came back so he could make it to lunch. It was a good day. (We did all of his exercises too, he did really good.)

Friday, May 8, 2015

Michael had physical therapy this morning so I didn't worry about his exercises today. When I came over, he was ready to go eat lunch and he decided he wanted to go out. He wanted to go to a new place; we ended up going to Subway, he said that he liked it. (He's been wanting to go there for a while. I'm glad he liked it.) After lunch we went to D.I. He bought a couple movies and I put one in for him to watch before I left.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

It was a short day today, I'm not feeling very well. I met Whitney, Michael's physical therapist and she showed me some exercises to incorporate with what we do already. I will probably be coming over later on Fridays so that Jeanne the physical therapist can work with Michael in the morning first thing. He did good with his exercises with Whitney, and with his cane too. We went to the store to pick up some things Michael was out of and then came back, dropped them off and had lunch. I will see him on Friday.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Friday May 1, 2015

Michael has his wallet back! Now he has both his wallet and I.D. All is good ;) He had a really hard time with exercises and paying attention to what we were doing today. I had him sit down after his exercises and follow directions from pictures I was showing him and things I was asking him to do. He did ok with that. We had lunch upstairs and then went to Walgreen's to pick up some more razors for him. Jerry came to visit him later on that day.