Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tuesday October 29, 2013

We tried to hurry through Michael's exercises today cause he wanted to go to D.I. I told him we had to do exercises first and some reading before we could go. We finally got done. He
remembered a lot of the fill in the blanks and the sentences. He did great! "OK let's go"... We went to D.I and he bought 3 shirts and 4 movies. We had lunch at Millie's afterwards and on the way back he said "We need to stop in there sometime" He's said that before about Backyard Birds, so we went in today and looked around. They have lots of stuff! We stopped at Dollar Tree too, he wanted to get another skeleton to hang up on his other light. I helped to put it up and started a movie before I left.

Friday, October 25, 2013

I let Michael know that I could only stay for a little bit today. I had to be somewhere at 1:00 today. We worked on his exercises; he was having a hard time concentrating and counting. He did a good job though after he focused. We played a couple card matching games and I had him read some of his ‘Word, phrase and sentence’s'. He walked with me upstairs and went to lunch. He said “You’ll stay longer next time?” I told him I would ;)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Today was our carving pumpkins day. When I came in, Michael showed me a shirt that he got from the people upstairs. Cute ghost shirt. :) I got everything ready and had Michael pick from about 4 different faces to put on his pumpkin. He drew the face on and he cut it out (I helped a little). It turned out really good! He had a lot better concept of doing this this year. When we were almost done he said "Put a candle in it." Good thinking Michael! We went for a drive and got some lunch and took it to the park again today. It was a really nice day. We stopped on the way back at Walgreen's to pick up a few things. We didn't have time to exercise but we did walk at the park. He was reading signs and telling me the names of cars. He was talking and putting things together really well today.

Friday, October 18, 2013

 I brought a couple pumpkins over today and a new skeleton; this one, with a head. Michael was upstairs making a glass pumpkin! What a fun activity. They had mason jars and orange tissue paper and used Mod Podge to put it on. It turned out really good! He even wanted to make the ghost! He’s usually ‘done’ when he does an activity and is ready to go but he really liked doing this activity. It was good to see. One of the girls at the activity said that he shows her his wreath he made when she comes to tell/get him for activities. I think he likes it! ;) He was excited to get the pumpkins and was asking when we were going to carve them. He decided he wanted to carve instead of just draw on them. It will be fun. Before I left I had him do his exercises. I walked up with him to lunch and he walked me to the door. We’ll carve our pumpkins on Tuesday.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Today we did and went to places we haven't gone before. We first started by doing Michael's exercises. He counted a lot better today too. While we were doing those, his nurse Cathy came in for a bit just to see how he is doing. It was nice to meet her. We finished up and then I mentioned going to get some Halloween decorations and making something too. He seemed excited "OK!" We went to Dollar Tree and picked up some things to make a fall wreath and a couple Halloween decorations for his room, and then we picked up some lunch at Yanni's Greek Express and took it over to Fairmont park. We sat on a bench in the sun. It was nice. When we got back, he did a really good job on his wreath! It turned out really well. We hung it on the wall when he was done. He keeps talking about pumpkins, he's excited about those. Maybe I'll bring some over on Friday so he will have them over the weekend and then we can either carve or draw on them on Tuesday.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Michael was upstairs doing an activity. They were making pumpkin bars. After they mixed up the batter, we all talked about Halloween and Fall time and what everyone used to do around that time and what they used to dress up as when they were younger. There were some good stories. He was telling everyone in a round about way that we are going to carve pumpkins. He wants to do them now but I told him by the time Halloween came they would be rotten but we would do them soon. Everyone iced their pumpkin bars and when Michael was done he wanted to show me the picture that Jerry gave him. It looks nice hung on his wall. We did his exercises; he had a hard time counting again today. When he was done with exercises he walked me to the front door and then he went and had lunch. He wanted me to go and eat with him today telling me "You don't have to go..."

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Michael took a while to do his exercises today. He was having a hard time focusing on counting. We finally got them done and it's kind of a good thing it took longer because Jerry showed up to take him to the doctors. He called me and left a message but I didn't get it on my pone. Usually we would be out at the time he came. Michael told me he was going to the doctors today but not to worry about it cause 'Your not taking me'. We were on our way out to go pick up some hair gel that Michael said he needed. I hope the doctors goes well. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Michael was upstairs today just finishing up his exercises! I heard from the activities director Debra that he has been participating more in the morning stretches. That's good to hear. He was watching a movie. We watched a lot of it together, he has always wanted to watch a movie with me. He got up and wanted to show me something down in his room. His calendar had fallen off, we fixed it ;) We did his exercises and he showed me his weights. He said he has been using them. :) He walked me out to my car. He wanted me to stay longer and go with him to lunch. I told him I could stay longer on Tuesday.
(He reminded me that I had his coat in my car. I'm glad because I forgot about it).

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Today we emptied out a couple of Michael planters and we can use those in the spring/summer again. We talked about the weekend and when I asked him what he did he said "Everything and nothing." I forgot to ask him about his fishing trip last week. He said he wasn't able to go :( He talked about catching big fish today though. I asked him if he wanted to go bowling today and he said "We can wait til it get's cold for that". He got the D.I. card out and the card that looks like my car and showed me he wanted to go in my car to D.I. I had him read it to me. We did his exercises first. He found 3 shirts that he wanted but he only had enough money for 1. He really likes it :) I had him get a couple of weights too. One is a 5 lb. weight and one is a 10 lb. weight. He said he would use them when I'm not there. We had lunch at McDonald's and when we came back, I had him start a movie and told him that I had to go. "What's your hurry."