Friday, October 24, 2014

Michael was already up in the dining room when I got to his place. We moved to another table so that I could eat with him too. He told me that he went fishing yesterday but that he didn't catch anything. He said he still had a good time. Our pumpkins were getting kind of  'soft' and his face was caved in a little bit so we made a face on the other side. He liked the way that it looked. We put them out of the sun to make them last a little longer. There was a last minute drive to the downtown area. We worked on his exercises after he did his pumpkin and then he walked me upstairs and he went for a drive. :)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Tuesday October 21, 2014

Tuesday October 21, 2014

Today was pumpkin carving day! Michael was quiet and seemed to have a hard time focusing. I got out the stuff to carve the pumpkins and noticed he had already made a face on his pumpkin :) We carved and cleaned out our pumpkins. I asked him if he liked cleaning them out and he said "Not really." He was looking forward to it earlier. I felt kinda bad that he didn't like it like I thought he would. We didn't get to clean them up but we'll finish that on Friday. We went up to lunch afterwards. He mentioned that he was going fishing with Jerry tomorrow. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

By the time I got to Michael's, he was up in the dining room having lunch. When he saw me, he took his plate to a table we usually eat at. I ate with him and then we went down and did his exercises. He did such a good job today! He was saying that he was out of bird food. We went to Walmart to pick up some more. We found a couple pumpkins too. he was glad to get those :) We'll carve them on Tuesday. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Today was a nice day outside. Michael wanted to wait and do exercises later. He was showing me he was out of coffee filters. We cleaned his coffee pot really good. He showed me the pumpkin light that Jerry brought over. It looks really cute. :) We went to Walgreen's
and picked up some coffee filters and he said he wanted to go 'somewhere new' for lunch. We drove up to Shivers. He was in the mood for a hamburger. They had it decorated cute for Halloween. We went to a garden shop on 33rd after, we saw it on the way to Shivers. We stopped there and looked around at the pumpkins and the decorations. We went back to his place and did his exercises. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Michael made me this card!
Michael was waiting upstairs for me today. We went into lunch and then he wanted to show me something that he made afterwards. We went downstairs and he had an activity yesterday making holiday cards. He made one for himself that he has on his wall. It has a witch on it. He made one for me with a ghost on it and he made one for Jerry too! How nice. He was saying that he needed to go and get some more coffee. We worked on his exercises first and then put his pumpkin that he bought the other day on the front of his door. We went to Walgreen's and got some coffee and looked around a little bit. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Michael was upstairs listening to a choir sing. We sat and listened to them and then he said he wanted to show me something. We went down to his room and he showed me his 'cane holder'. He painted the top part of it blue! I thought that was so cool that he did that. When I asked him why, he said "Cause there was nothen better to do". I love that he likes to make things and likes to be creative. We did his exercises and then he showed me the card that says D.I. on it. We had lunch upstairs first then went to D.I. and he picked up a couple more Halloween decorations :) We went to Walgreen's and picked up some drinks for him. (I brought some small plastic pumpkins over and when I was leaving he was putting them up on his cork board).

Friday, October 3, 2014

When I came over, Michael was already in the lunch room. He had just started eating. He picked up his plate and took it to the table that we usually sit at. When we were both done with lunch, he said he had something to show me. We went down to his room and he showed me what he made yesterday! It's a cool Halloween wreath! Jerry stopped by for a short visit too. It was good to see him. We decorated his room with some things he made last year. He kept talking about making pumpkins. I told him we would make them when the time get's closer. Otherwise, if we make them too soon, they won't last til Halloween. We looked for something to make and I brought some paints. We will have to go out and get some new things to make. He did his exercises and did a good job! He worked on matching words to pictures and then 'fill in the blank'. He did pretty good! There was a pianist coming to play, I had Michael walk me upstairs so he could go listen to the piano.