Friday, March 25, 2016

March 25, 2016

Michael seems back to himself today. We hung the little pine cone bird feeders that we made on the trees outside. Michael has a lot more pine cones and we can make more if the birds like them. We did a few quick exercises today before we went out. We went to Walgreen's to pick up some drinks. He wanted to go to D.I. and was even clapping his hands. He's been wanting to go but for one reason or another, we haven't gone for a little while. Michael has been having a really hard time lately using his cane. His legs are getting really weak and it's harder for him to walk very far. We got out his walker and I explained why he needed to use it. I hope that he does. I think it will help him out a lot. 

Michael had a Dr. appt. on Tuesday the 22nd. He was weak and confused. We went up to Veronica, the nurse at Highland Cove and she took his BP. It was a little low and has been, due to his new med's. 

His plants are doing a lot better too, now that he's not watering them so much. He has me look at them when I come over. 

I didn't go over on Friday March 18th. I wasn't feeling very well. 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

 February-March 2016

Michael has wanted to spend a lot more time out lately, but we've been able to get his exercises done. Some days, we just use his walking as exercise and not do the other leg exercises. He has been having a harder time walking lately. I keep an eye on him and suggest we go back when I notice he's having a hard time. We haven't been able to practice his words too much. I have done them with him and he's getting better at them. It's something I need to keep up.
We went to the Dollar Store and Michael picked out some flowers that he liked and he made a spring wreath. It turned out great! 
We've been to D.I., thrift stores, shopping and out to lunch.
(I think I might do updates instead of each day.)